Monday 4 November 2013

Season of Samhain: Death and Life, and a Great Wedding

Admin note:
I’ve been gone quite a long while really, haven’t I?  But here I am, returned.  That’s it for the Guest Season now, I decided.  Those posts still to come will now be lone guestings later.  After all, it was sposed to be a Late Summer Season of Love, wasn’t it?  And it’s getting Very Chilly now, Fireworks Night tomorrow; November for god’s sake…so I’ve called a halt.  You’re stuck with me again.  Welcome back…

 Tiny pumpkin and bat biscuits made for us by our Honoured Guest, The Prince

The whole Samhain thing is reputedly the biggest date in the year for us neo pagans, so I’m told.  I never quite get into the spirit of it entirely, though I like it.  I’ve realised what the problem is, this year.  Looking at it just as a festival for the one day, when what it holds are quite big ideas, that need living with for a while to really start to use them. So I’m having Season of Samhain thoughts this year.  Thoughts about the way this festival is supposed to be the equivalent of New Year and all the associations that holds.  Getting rid of old things and thoughts that have served purpose.  Bringing new things and ideas in that will colour the coming months differently.  Assessing your goals and purposes and seeing if they still fit, or need changing and redoing; or abandoning and entirely reshaping.  Honouring the dead: and not just dead people; but old dreams, old ideals, old relationships.  Being comfortable with the past for that space of time, where everything merges and bleeds together, briefly.  Letting go.  Trying to welcome the present, the future.  A clean out, a reshuffle.

These are not small concepts.  So I’m going to fiddle about with them a while before I move along to the joy of returning light, at Yule.

And I tell you, I can feel the season working with me already.  It’s interesting, that once you give yourself a framework to think within (and its important for me to keep changing this framework, or risk stagnation and rigidity), the things you then find to slot in, to be brooded over but differently to usual.  I’ve had some events occurring and I’ve been thinking about them sideways-ly as a result of these Samhain associations. Hmmmm…

For instance, since late August Stanley and I and the noble Fluffhead have had a houseguest, Stanley’s best friend, The Prince.  He was very suddenly bereft of his princess after a long time, and through no fault of his own.  So he came to be with us for a while to straighten his head.  I am a horrible person, because part of me thought how cool it was I now get to spend so much time hanging out with The Prince person, as I haven’t seen much of him for years…one man’s tragedy; one Blackberry Juniper’s silver lining.  I was busy imagining how his Big Life Incident was occurring around about the time of the old stag and the new stag fighting (we know how that works out), and how it would be so much lovelier for us all did this not have to be played out in real life.  I sat with him, I hung with him, and I am determined that he will come to see beyond The Ending and eventually find a Beginning here too.  An unwelcome one, but one that must be given in to.  After all, I have squarely placed The Prince in a fairytale background here, which I wouldn’t do idly.  He needs to see this is a Quest beginning, like my friend Jane I wrote of before…he has dragons that need slaying, and I will sit here sharpening his sword for him till he’s ready to behead some critters.  Till he sees how strong, beautiful and worthy he actually is.  Till he realizes that this year's old stag defeated will by next year be the triumphant young stag again - and sure to win, because it all goes round; if you let it.  And Stanley will, in the meantime, chat to him extensively and calmingly, about his encyclopaedic knowledge of film and music.  In the way of bloke conversation everywhere; that marvellous shorthand that seems so small and contains so much.

Speaking of dragons needing slaying, I have been sitting about dealing with some of my own.  More like Hydra.  I slay one, they grow more damn heads.  The exquisite Fluffhead has been having some issues a while now.  Health and developmental.  They aren’t resolved, and will take ages to be assessed, diagnosed, strategized, worked with.  I’m not great with waiting, not knowing, uncertainty.  Especially for things I feel almost 100% responsible for. I find I increasingly and easily can slip into the pit, worrying about the future for Fluffhead, both material and materially.  The strength I will need to be all I need to be daunts me.  Understatement.  Just before the Prince arrived, and tilted our world with his news (and it was like the world tilted, we thought he and the princess were solid forever)…I was sitting on the sofa one afternoon.  Fluffhead was having his nap, and I was reading.  Out of nowhere, I had thoughts about the future: I patterned, I freaked, I felt overwhelmed.  I started to cry quietly, feeling helpless and resigned, panicky and circular. And then I had a nasty little vision.  I closed my eyes, and there in my mind were a young woman and a girl, dressed in dunny coloured 1940s overcoats.  The small girl had beige-ish socks that were bunching at her ankles.  They were an unremarkable pair.  They had been walking along, somewhere, holding hands, and they stopped and turned to me.  The young girl pointed past herself and quietly asked me, ‘Shall we leave now?’

It was one of the most persuasive death calls I’ve ever heard.  So softly done.

At the time, of course, it just made me cry more, because I can’t do that.  I don’t really want to do that and I CANNOT do that, for all the reasons I was already crying about.  For days afterward, those two bothered me; that I had seen them and presented my thoughts to myself that way.  I spoke to other friends who were convinced I had been visited by ghosts in a vulnerable moment.  (Possible, I spose, but I doubt it.  There’s enough going on in my head that this is all me.)  Time Traveller nobly said if I felt like that again I was just to call her straight away and she would come over and hold my hands till the feeling went away.  But after a while, I ceased to be freaked by it.  So I had those thoughts again.  So what?  I straightaway knew I couldn’t act on them, and didn’t want to.  Can’t go backward, can’t get off, got to go forward.  Got to let go of dreams for the futures of others, and accept what is.  Work with that.  Adjust expectation, adjust view.  Take each day, each occasion as it comes.  Search like feck for the bright lights when they come, when they could be there.  Remember that for your children, you are the rock.  And take gratefully the love of others, which enables me to be as rocklike as possible for the little one.

Now, these are darkish things I’m speaking of aren’t they?  There’s been brights too.  I went to a wedding on Saturday.  Stanley has some friends.  *Lots* of friends.  They are anthropologically, sociologically, dead interesting, as they are the most cohesive Group (yes, I give them a capital G) I have ever come across.  There’s a core, and radiating outer circles, and lots of overlaps.  In all I’d say, there’s clear 100 of them, at least, this group.  The core is much smaller, but nearly all of them, the whole extended lot were at this wedding.  And the wedding itself was of those I would consider more or less to be bang on the dead centre of the group: the Lord and Lady of it, to be pagan about it. It was one of the nicest weddings I’ve ever been to.  You know what I’m like with groups, I don’t do so well. So I was worried I would be all shy and viewed as anti-social as I wouldn’t be sure which Blackberry Juniper I am sposed to be being at any given time when faced with a conversation involving more than one person.  I was confused in anticipation. Though looking forward to seeing the very few members of the group who had allowed themselves to be shaved off the herd and made friends with me by themselves (so I could concentrate properly). 

And you know what?  It turned out really well, despite my worried mutterings. There was an odd magic about the whole day.  One fellow attendee proposed to me that this was because everyone in the room (massive room; many many people) loved these two, the couple, and that the wedding had been coming so long (lots of years in the making) it was almost a fairytale event now it was happening. It was making a lot of people feel hopeful; feel solid, feel that things can last, good things can happen.  I saw many people I hadn’t seen in years.  I felt Group dynamic work on me…and in a good way (that is very rare for me!).  I saw one friend who was peckish: I gave him some chocolate.  One person had become himself and himself is an Author and you can buy his books.  (I bought them when I got home; writer types must stick together.)  I saw one person with whom I have had a weird and rocky interaction from the get go…and we sorted it, in one weirdly honest conversation in which surprising things were said.  It felt lovely to let go of wondering what was wrong there, because now nothing is. 

I saw a woman who draws little ink creatures; I love her and don’t see her hardly at all – we had one of those conversations where absence vanishes.  Her force of nature husband, a very long standing friend of Stanley’s from musical days past, among other things, was Himself and I loved to watch him as I always do.  Some people just make you smile with their frankness.  I met another person I’ve only heard of before, another old musical friend of Stanley’s, and was very taken with his wit and kindness.  One couple looked incredibly healthy and at peace; turns out they have been travelling around for a couple of years, taking a sudden windfall and living life with it NOW, rather than waiting for some nebulous future.  I admired their bravery, and saw how much it agreed with them.  I saw an acquaintance with wild red hair and told her how much I loved it, and watched her eyes be happy.  I had a conversation with one friend who also has kids, no time and little money; we joked about our yachts and our times in the Bahamas, not…the mutual lack of news was made golden by the humour; why don’t I laugh more??  I saw the Lady's right hand woman, all smiles and a gorgeous silver stole; a bubble of happy good nature; she is never less than kind to me.  I saw my Treasured Friend from the Group, watched her dance, chatted a while, realized how much I had missed her, resolved to fetch her more often, so I can listen to her talk, for I love her brain; she’s quick and kind, and level like I never am.

Saw so many others.  The Prince reconnected with many of his friends; they were so happy to see him.  One important person of mine I never even got the chance to speak to.  Saw the one naughty and spirited wench woman who could’ve tempted me off the wagon of not smoking for she is a Siren to Fun; and she very kindly Did Not Do It! I saw the friend I always admire for her work with the animal shelters; and for her brilliant gothy clothes: she walks the talk in both senses.  Saw several peripheral people I remembered having great conversations with while waiting for Stanley to get home sometimes; it was as if the past had popped right into the present – there had been some good changes, but so many people were the same, in a good way, a reassuring way.  People were happy to see me, which joyfully surprised me.  Poleaxed me, really.  I always felt so marginal around them all in the past.  But I was a different person then.

And through it all, there were the Lord and Lady, wandering through, hugging and chatting to people, the catalyst for all this connection.  She was in a 1940s floor length dress, with a faux fur white stole; she looked beautiful, she looked happy; she said her vows with total confidence.  I teared up.  The groom was smiling all day.  He’s a great good tempered man anyway, a bear of big brain and bigger laughter.  I watched them hug, I watched the speeches, I saw people all over the room reuniting.  Laughing.  It was a good day.

Just for a minute there, I understood how it all works.

I saw changes, I saw things being let go of, I saw them Begin.  In the season where things start to curl inward and appear to die, I saw so much Life.

 Blackberry Juniper and the Most Wondrous Stanley, at the Great Wedding

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