Monday, 12 August 2013

BJ's Season of Late Summer Love...coming up shortly...wait for it...

This will be one of my bittier posts.  Really its to say (a) oops, sorry, I vanished for ages – this was due to loads of ebay listings (so much more troublesome than Amazon listings to do, and I’m still at it), and (b) a sudden absolute brick wall in terms of what to say.

I mean…I have plenty to say, and here I am wittering, albeit about nothing, but nonetheless, here I be.  No, I have about 7 half written posts I have lost interest in.

Then I had a Really Cool Idea.  It was partly from something Mr Hooting Yard (see blogroll) said to me ages ago – he said, you don’t have to produce content for your blog all the time; you can post bits up from books you like, and have guests in sometimes.  To break up the old sameyness of BlackberryJuniper and her overheated head.  I listened, and occasionally have had guests in.

But you know what?  I have not been thinking big enough here, with the guests thing.  I thought back to those BBC2 seasons of horror films they would have on in the summers of my teenageriness (ahhh, I was simpler then).  I thought of all the friends I am envying who have gone off on a summer holiday this year.  I thought of all those music festivals people keep telling me I’d love if I went to (don’t they know me AT ALL????[1]).  The summerish vibe in general.  The fact we are HAVING a proper summer this year (right down to the thunderstorms).

And I thought: Blackberry Juniper’s Season of Late Summer Love.  Henceforth referred to as BJ’s SOLSL, because that isn’t a mouthful at all, is it?  What it is, is: I’ve asked some members of my family, and some of my friends, and some of my favourite bloggers I read to contribute a piece to the blog.  They can write whatever they like (except one, who I specifically asked to write to a certain topic, cos I really wanted to hear what she’d say about it).  What I want, is for you all, Readers (she says grandly), to hear in their voices, what I hear in their voices: all different, all different concerns, but such intelligence and life.  So far, most people I have asked have said yes. (Astonishingly.)  I reckon 2 people are going to make me wait eons before I see a dickybird from them.  I reckon I can count on 2 people to give me something within the week (as they are both as anal as me, and as organized as I wish I was).  Another 2 will maybe gift me within the next fortnight.  And 3 are so far silent…I reckon they might not want to do it and are umming and ahhing about telling me cos they don’t want to hurt my feelings.  That’s very lovely of them, if so.  I am indeed, a delicate flower.  We’ll see…

I’m hoping this will be a nice Season of Voices I Adore (alternative name for the season – it sounds a bit more, um, technical somehow; but I like the first name better – the first name implies lying about in fields with the sun on your face andcool glass of something in your hand, don’t you think?  Blankets, voices on the breeze?  Is there a big outdoorsy cinema screen in front of you, or a sound stage in the distance?  Or do you just hold a really good book, and when you look up, your partner is next to you, or your friend, snoozing in the afternoon sun?)

I definitely like summer best of all the seasons.  I am usually to be found here-ish, when in my head.  On the Lands, somewhere, sitting or walking in the sun.

But this is to confuse you.  The Season’s posts won’t be about summer (as far as I know).  They won’t have any theme at all; the only link between the posters is that I like all their voices very much, and their thoughts always interest me.  I told them to write whatever they wanted, their usual thing (be it political or life thoughts, or spiritual subjects, whatever) or not – to take a holiday and write me something different.  I’m really looking forward to seeing what pops up from them, and in what order (it would be great if the posts made some sort of unintentional pattern that I can see, wouldn’t it?)

Anyway – between these posts, if I should actually end up finishing one of my own, or having Something To Say (drumroll), I will go on and post up.  Otherwise, between me and my guests (fusses around, tidying the blog and sweeping the moodiness deeply under the carpet and sofa edge), I expect the BJ SOLSL (that does so trip off the tongue, stop disagreeing with me, humpf) to go on a month or so, maybe 2 months.

So.  I will look really stupid now if no one I have asked writes me anything, won’t I?!!

[1] Ok, music festivals, like Glastonbury etc.  Problems for me: (a) 24 hour a day *people*, (b) not being able to be alone and especially SLEEP uninterrupted whenever I really need to, (c) NOISE, and I don’t mean the music, though that thumping in my chest would get old even if I adored the music, (d) what if I get sick – stomach, migraine etc?  I would ruin everyone’s party with my little (legal) pharmacy and insisting on going off to lie down till I feel better, what a princess I would seem, heh, (e) do not get me started on the unhygienic-ness…I couldn’t keep everything (and ME) as clean as I would like…so I’m sorry if all this makes me come off as rigid and un-fun, but hey: I am as I am, and I don’t make you come to The Proms or the Museum of London with me when I occasionally go, do I?  I don't make you sit about and read books constantly, enjoying the peace and quiet, do I? Shoo, shoo, off to your festie with you!   Enjoy!

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