Saturday 12 February 2022

Quick review of Fake Accounts by Lauren Oyler (2021)

 This was the best novel I've ever read for showing how routinely performative we all are in every aspect of our dealings with others, both online and in person.  The shameless scale of the lying for no real reason other than to hide our true and often shallow thoughts about things was scarily accurate!  A very honest book about routine dishonesty in social interaction.

It also had a very unexpected and sudden twist at the end, dealt with coldly and inconclusively, which made me feel sad for the isolation of all the characters and how no one was honest with anyone.  In the end, everyone was rendered more and more alone, despite the illusion of constant contact.  It simply led to more dishonesty and more performativeness.  Very real depiction of failed communication in the digital age.

In some ways hugely fun to read, wonderfully Laurence Sterne/Samuel Richardson-esque long rambly sentences and playing with form and language; but as a whole, the message was sad. 

(Review also up on my Goodreads account.)

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